Hello World


The title of this blog comes from a (perhaps unintentionally) humorous anecdote about Chilean director Alejandro Jodorowsky’s encounter with famed surrealist painter Salvador Dalí during the production of Jodorowsky’s adaptation of the science fiction novel Dune in the 1970s, chronicled in the excellent documentary Jodorowsky’s Dune. If you are a fan of Dune or sci-fi movies in general I highly recommend you check it out. If you have never heard of Dune, or your only exposure to it was through the 1984 David Lynch version, I recommend you get your hands on a copy of the book and dig in – you’re in for a real treat.

As for myself, I’m a professional programmer, lifelong gamer, and all around irredeemable nerd. I set this up mostly to blog about one of my least socially-acceptable past times, miniature wargaming, and specifically the painting of the pieces, which I’ve done more or less consistently for about thirteen years now, starting with the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game produced by Games Workshop, progressing to the more mainstream Warhammer 40k (also by GW), and now focusing mostly on Warmachine/Hordes by Privateer Press. Enjoy!